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Saturday, April 6, 2013

Template Blogger Fotografer


Photored Template was made by Panjz Online and I think this template suitable for gallery content. There's no specific feature in this template. It's a white, black and red color with 3 column blogger in there, easy loading and SEO friendly with elegant looks, 1 right sidebar, 4 columns footer, navigation menu, ads ready, pagination for blogger ready, clean design template, and more. This template based from several templates that was made by Creating Website, and the designer combined to make it for better result. You can use it for any gallery content for your blog. If you have any question about this template, visit directly to the designer in the bottom.

Template Name : Photored Template
Author : Panjz Online
Url Author : Panjz Online
Designer : Panjz
Url Designer : panjz-online.blogspot.com
Sumber : http://www.mastemplate.com/2012/06/photored-template.html 


  1. thanks infonya, kebetulan lagi browsing template untuk blog foto

  2. @JPGBintaro
    Makasih Sudah mengunjungi blog ane, semoga template nya bisa bermanfaat


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